How does an Auto Loan work?
We will loan you the money for a new or used vehicle, 你将在一段时间内连本带利地偿还. 无论你是从经销商、汽车修理厂还是个人那里买车,都没有关系.
It’s good to plan ahead by getting preapproved for your Auto Loan. 这样你就可以更好地了解你应该购买的价格范围. 获得预先批准也会给你与卖家讨价还价的优势.
Elements可以为你的汽车提供高达价值120%的贷款,包括税收和执照. 不过,先付至少20%的定金是个好主意. 当然,你预付的钱越多,你每月的还款额就越低.
We understand car shopping can be a bit overwhelming. Never fear! We have partnerships that can make the process easier for you.